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Purchasing Department

Notice To Vendors

The City of Shelton will be converting its solicitation management to OpenGov. Solicitations issued prior to that date will continue to be located on the purchasing page on our website found below. Once those solicitations are completed, all new solicitations will be advertised and processed on the PROCUREMENT page.

About the Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Agent is responsible for purchases regulated by the City and its Charter, section 7.14. The Purchasing Agent reports directly to the Director of Finance.

The Purchasing Department is located at 54 Hill Street, Shelton, Ct 06484. The office is open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm.

All appointments are scheduled in advance by calling 203-924-1555 x 1506.

The Purchasing Agent shall let to bid all purchases (including those made by the Board of Education) which reasonably may involve the expenditure of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) or more, by the invitation of sealed bids, giving at least ten (10) days notice of the closing for bids by publication at least once in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the City. Within five (5) days after the closing date for bids, the bids shall be opened publicly by the Purchasing Agent, with the contract for the purchase to the lowest responsible bidder, provided however, the City may reject any, all or any part of any bids. If the authority to award contracts has been delegated, said delegate shall award contracts. The Board of Aldermen may establish such other regulations for purchases and bidding as It deems appropriate.

When any purchase involves expenditure in excess of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and does not exceed seven thousand, four hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents ($7,499.99), the Purchasing Agent, or in the case of the Board of Education, an agent designated by the Board of Education, shall obtain a minimum of three (3) written proposals for the purchase of the item, and shall make such purchase from the lowest responsible supplier, unless the Purchasing Agent, or in the case of the Board of Education, an agent designated by the Board of Education, determines that the purchase is due to an emergency, or is available only from a single source supplier, and in that event, the Purchasing Agent or in the case of the Board of Education, an agent designated by the Board of Education, shall create and maintain a written record of the reasons for such choice.

“Purchase” as used herein shall be defined to include the purchase in any fiscal year of any goods, services or combination of goods and services from a single supplier, including but not limited to public improvements and professional services. Aggregate purchases shall not be divided into smaller increments so as to avoid the provisions called for herein.

The Board of Aldermen, and the Board of Education for its purchases, shall establish by resolution those services that are considered as professional services, and as to which selection by bidding to determine the lowest responsible provider is not required. When the purchase of goods and the provision for professional services are combined, that portion involving the purchase of goods shall be subject to established public bidding requirements.

Waiver of Bids: Whenever the Purchasing Agent shall determine that bidding for any particular goods or services would be impractical, impossible, or unwise, the Purchasing Agent shall recommend to the Board of Aldermen that bids be waived. Each such recommendation shall be in writing and shall state its reason. If the Board approves such recommendation by an affirmative vote of at least six (6) of the eight (8) members, bids shall be waived and the goods or services shall be purchased in such manner as the Board of Aldermen directs.

The Director of Finance shall record the amount of each authorized purchase, and each contract for a future purchase, an encumbrance against the appropriation from which it is paid or to be paid.

Empower Quarterly Report (as of June 30, 2024)

Online Purchasing Forms

Bid Requirements


Sample of Contract 

When City Hall is closed due to inclement weather, bids will be due the following day no later than 11:00 AM.


City Hall
54 Hill Street – Second Floor
Shelton, CT 06484


(203) 924-1555 ext. 1506


(203) 924-4273


Tuesday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.

Dept. Head:

Gene Sullivan

Send an Email

Federal Tax ID #:



Bid Archive

Current Bid Invitations